Mobile phones are evolving and so are the concerns

Most of us with latchkey kids have created a list of rules to follow, covering topics like snacks, strangers at the door, phone calls, and so video türsprechanlage on. They’re pretty much the same ones our parents sketched for us as kids. But today we have to deal with a growing list of additional concerns, such as television programs, video games, computer programs such as instant messaging, and use of the Internet.
A few years ago my daughter was old enough to go to her grandmother’s house after school. I wrestled with the idea, but eventually conceded that she was responsible and mature enough to complete the three-block hike on her own. There were a few days when an extracurricular activity that she forgot to tell us about delayed her and worried everyone. And sometimes even her grandmother forgot the time and wasn’t there to greet her. We decided she would be better off with a cell phone.
I’ve researched the internet and found out what many experts and other parents have to say on the subject. I contacted their school to find out what their rules were regarding cell phones and then made a list of our own rules.
Camera phone and has enjoyed taking photos
She has a camera phone and has enjoyed taking photos of her dogs and friends. All in all, she coped well with the responsibility. The only issues we have is that she keeps losing her charger, forgetting to charge and forgetting to turn on the phone when she should. Hm, sounds like some adults I know! But I digress!
I remember the first cell phone I had – it was called a “pocket phone” and it weighed about five pounds. It had to stay plugged into the lighter in my ‘mommy-mobile’ but it was there in case I needed help in an emergency or to find out if my husband wanted anything specific for dinner when I stopped at Ukrop ‘s .
Gee, portable phones have come a long way! I just read that Palm has announced that it will offer Microsoft® Windows Mobile(TM) software on its Treo(TM) smartphones . The phones, the first of which will be available from Verizon Wireless on its nationwide broadband network, enable calling, email, Internet access, office mobile and more. I might actually like one of these if the buttons and screen are big enough for my weak fingers and aging eyes.
On another front, the federal government is considering a national all-hazard system to alert you via SMS to your cell phone in the event of a disaster or attack directly affecting your area. You might get Amber Alerts and similar on internet enabled devices.
With all the newfangled technology we have now, not many of us carry a “portable” radio in our pockets. However, you can bet that a cell phone or two and a BlackBerry® device can be found in the purse of almost every high-tech woman!
As technology continues to advance rapidly, we’re using our phones as business tools for email, calendaring, and texting, and industry experts say it won’t be long before we’ll be able to use specially-equipped phones in place of credit cards. Oh my god, this could get us in trouble! And frankly, as they do with most new technologies, our children are embracing the new cell phone technology at a rapid pace.
There are so many things you can do with a cell phone these days that I can’t even keep track of them all. For example, I was recently on a business trip and a team member’s cell phone kept ringing. Gosh, I thought, he must be a busy man, and then I found out he was getting stats on a sporting event!
And while I haven’t witnessed it personally, I understand that downloading pictures from Playmates to phones in 17 countries is all the rage. Playboy has announced that it will develop games and ringtones for mobile phones in the United States. Oh cool; another distraction for every prepubescent boy and many of my male colleagues.
For teenagers (and possibly those in a corporate setting), however, a different solution is on the horizon. RuleSpace video türsprechanlage has developed a parental control solution for mobile operators that rates mobile content on the fly. Mobile operators may offer subscribers the ability to block inappropriate content from internet-enabled devices. In other words, Johnny can’t watch porn and the staff can focus on the work at hand!
If we could get our techno teens to come up with technological solutions, we’d have a real home run and everyone could be notified about it on our mobile devices! Ringtone – You have web mail!