Top Signs That Suggest Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Wisdom teeth are typically the third molars. Normally, everyone will have not more than four of them. They appear at about 18 to 21 years of age but most often they appear later, since they are delayed one way or another, often by impaction. In other words, the wisdom teeth grow up in an angulated position since they lack a proper space to erupt appropriately.
Being the last tooth in the back of your mouth they are very hard to keep clean. And when impacted in an angulated position it is even worse. Infection of the adjoining soft tissues is the most possible problem. However, there can also be decay happening at the back of the second molar; or on the wisdom molar itself, leading to pain or even badly damaging a tooth that is useful to you.
When Is Surgery The Only Option?
At times the pain subsides on its own but is bound to come back with more frequency and intensity often, at the most inconvenient time, such as during an exam or on a foreign trip. This is a sure signal that one must not wait any longer but proceed with wisdom teeth surgery. Sometimes the infection is so intense that it can even choke off your air supply at the throat.
Sometimes the infection spreads to the face & causes a swelling in the affected area. The pain of the infection prevents the proper opening of your mouth making eating and swallowing quite difficult.
Normally most wisdom teeth will have to be removed ultimately and through the surgery. A specialist Oral Surgeon would be consulted to perform the required operation to, remove the infected tooth, usually under Local Anesthetic; and at times under Intra Venous Sedation, where a specialist Anesthesiologist is called in to participate in the surgery.
Typical Symptoms of infected Wisdom Tooth are as follows:
- Bad breath
- Problem opening the mouth (on occasions).
- Pain or tenderness of the gums (gingiva) or jawbone.
- Persistent jaw ache.
- Swelling/abscess of the gums in the area of impacted tooth.
- Swollen lymph nodes of the neck (on occasions).
- Unpleasant taste when biting down on or near the infected area.
Anyhow, dental x-rays are performed to ascertain the presence of impacted teeth.
The Sum Up
Most of the time one of the very general questions patients want to ask a specialist is that – “Is the wisdom tooth surgery painful or not?”. Well, frankly speaking, any form of surgery will come with a small tinge of discomfort. Havin said that do rest assured that since there is Local Anesthetic being applied. The patient would not face any pain or discomfort whatsoever during the entire time of their surgical procedure. It is only following the surgery and the anesthetic wears off that the patient could feel a little bit of discomfort.
Summing up, if you are looking for a dental clinic near you that specializes in wisdom teeth surgery. One of the most important factors is to use a dental surgeon that you’re comfortable with .